Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bottle Caps!

Hey Guys!
As a result of my past attempts at rock tumbling bottles to make sea glass, I had a few of the bottle caps lying around, so I decided to give some earrings a try!

It was a fairly cheap project, I bought some spray paint for about $3 and Mod Podge for $5, which are both reusable for many projects. I already had some earrings that I wanted to recycle to make then, so then I just had to print out a picture that I liked that went with the black paint.

My Dremel came in handy for this little project, and it made a hole in the caps so easily.  I put a few coats of spray paint on each side, and after waiting awhile put the picture on and covered it in the Mod Podge. 

They came out pretty well for a first try, but I definitely need some practice! Some places of the paper darkened a little more than I would have liked.  I do have some ideas for bottle cap necklaces and magnets also, and I'm thinking about using my duct tape skills for some of the pictures, instead of using printing paper, to make it more unique. 

Did you notice that picture behind me in the first photo?? I didn't make it, my sister did, but I love it!  I asked her to make me a picture of an octopus hatching from an egg, and she did it! It's pretty much the first thing I see when I walk into my room.

Well I suppose that's it for now! If you have any thoughts or questions, leave me a comment :)


  1. I look forward to see how your experimentations progress!
    Btw, I'm curious whether you've linked up to other crafting blogs? I know that's a great way of encouraging traffic to your own blog (you plug other sites, they plug you, etc). I'm sure people would love what you're working on!
